Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan has nothing but an ocean of love for her mother, Amrita Singh, and brother Ibrahim Ali Khan. The actress keeps on sharing her throwback pictures with the family on social media while remembering the past. Recently, the actress shared an unseen childhood picture from Holi festival with her fans and in the photo, chubby Sara and Ibrahim are seen sporting a big smile with Amrita Singh.

Sara Ali Khan shared a throwback picture from her childhood with her mother Amrita Singh and brother Ibrahim Ali Khan on Instagram. She captioned the post, "Mother, Daughter- Iggy Potter 👩‍👧‍👦 Riot of colours with Water Slaughter 🌈🚿 Mommy so young I almost forgot her 💁🏻‍♀️ Gulaal we threw, off-guard we caught her 🎨🤭 But it was healthy fun with no totter 🤗 , After all, she's mother dearest- the OG Fautor 🧸". Check out her post here -
